
Can I Get a Restraining Order on My Neighbor?

can I get a restraining order on my neighbor

Living in a neighborhood should feel safe and peaceful. Unfortunately, sometimes tensions between neighbors can escalate. If you’re experiencing harassment, threats, or other unsafe behavior from a neighbor, you may be wondering if you can get a restraining order to protect yourself. The good news is that the law does offer options for dealing with […]

How to Find a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer

how to find a good criminal defense attorney

Being accused of a crime can be one of the most stressful and overwhelming experiences a person can face. The legal system is complex and the stakes are high, which is why finding the right criminal defense lawyer is critical. A good lawyer can mean the difference between a favorable outcome and severe consequences. Here’s […]

How Can I Fight a Restraining Order in Colorado?

how can I fight a restraining order in Colorado

Receiving a restraining order can be a distressing experience. It’s even worse when you believe it was granted against you unfairly or without valid reason. Protecting your rights and maintaining your reputation requires understanding restraining orders, knowing why a court might grant a request for an order, and finding someone to help you effectively fight […]

Do Juveniles Have the Right to a Jury Trial?

do juveniles have the right to a jury trial

The American justice system guarantees adult citizens the right to a jury trial as a fundamental component of fair legal proceedings in most criminal cases. However, this right applies differently to juveniles (people under 18). Understanding whether juveniles have the right to a jury trial involves examining the purpose of the juvenile justice system and […]

Police officers regularly use GPS trackers to follow potential suspects and can install a GPS tracker on your vehicle without your knowledge. But what if it is installed on your vehicle without the police first obtaining a warrant? You should immediately contact a lawyer at The Juba Law Office for help. The installation of a […]

Can I Get My Firearm Back if I Plead Guilty?

The right to own a firearm in the United States has a long, historical tradition and protections for gun ownership are enshrined in the United States[1] and Colorado[2] Constitutions. The right to own firearms, however, is not absolute. The government is permitted to put a variety of restrictions on gun ownership.[3] For instance, juveniles may […]

Rap Lyrics and Criminal Trials

Rap Lyrics and Criminal Trials

Intro / Question: Should the government be permitted to introduce a defendant’s own rap lyrics against them at trial? Overview: The popularity of rap and hip-hop music has been steadily increasing for several years,[1] particularly among Gen-Z listeners.[2] Rap’s rise in popularity, however, is being accompanied by the growing tendency of prosecutors to attempt to […]

Sealing a Prior Conviction

criminal background check

You have been convicted of a crime, and you may be wondering, how will this affect me? Having a conviction on your record can cause issues in many areas of your life. What happens when you apply for a job, and they inform you that they need to do a background check? Or you finally […]

In the case of four teens suspected of driving to the home of a Cherokee Trail High School student in an incident that ended with the student’s death, two of the defendants received the chance for more-lenient sentences in juvenile court. The two remaining defendants in adult court — both Black males — are at […]

Crimes and Charges Handled by the Metro Area Municipal Court

If you’re going to attend a court hearing in the near future, it’s important to understand what types of crimes and charges that the municipal courts in the Denver area handle. Let’s explore the crimes, classes, and charges associated with common court cases in the area. Municipal Court Charges Denver’s Municipal Court handles an array […]

Things You Should Know While Defending a Civil Protection Order

Filing a civil protection order is usually only done out of fear for one’s well-being and the desperation of the petitioner to feel safe. However, you’ll find that after filing a protection order in Colorado, you’re placed in a position that requires you to defend your need for the order. Sometimes, validating your need for […]

How to Defend Against an Arson Case?

How to Defend Against an Arson Case

How Do I Defend Against an Arson Case? Arson is defined as the deliberate act of setting fire to property. It is a criminal act and generally a felony. However, some state laws have different degrees of severity. In Colorado, arson is defined using degrees of offense. Additionally, some arson charges in Colorado are classified […]

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